
Five Tomes against Nestorius; Scholia on the Incarnation; Christ Is One; Fragments against Diodore of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, the Synousiasts is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume contains the following works by Cyril of Alexandria: Five Books against Nestorius • Tome I • Tome II • Tome III • Tome IV • Tome V The Scholia on the Incarnation That Christ is One by Way of Dispute with Hermias Fragments of Treatise against Diodre, Bishop of Tarsus Fragments of Treatise against Theodore, of Mopsuestia Fragments of Treatise...

proper Nature, even though He have the name, Son of Man, and have been made so of a truth. What then didst thou learn, and say that the Father co-seated with Himself the manhood that was assumed, and not rather that there sitteth on the Throne of His proper Godhead, in the Good-Pleasure of God the Father, the Word That sprang from Him, when made Man too: in order that His Human Nature be not conceived and spoken of by us as something other than He, albeit the union that is of truth8 shews us that
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